The first big boy bath. A fairly momentous event. Bath time is getting to be a pretty vigorous evening activity now that he is not going to imminently drown himself. It is an interesting thing to listen to yourself parent on a video. Why, I wonder, do I say "We" all the time? "We don't...." We aren't...." I want the tone of my voice to match my words and actions and I am not sure that they do. Is this the way we are supposed to talk to our children or is this some hideous modality of speech that I have fallen into, such as saying "like" or "Dude". Both of which I do.
Recently read The Happiest Toddler on the Block by
Dr. Harvey Karp. Interesting guy, says we are supposed to growl at our children, which I approve of. We also watched the accompanying video, illustrating the caveparent approach. After the video Todd said that Dr Karp was like Gildaroy Lockhart. And he has not even read Harry Potter.
Back to the bath. Dimitri is such a big kid these days. He asked me for cheese the other day, a sign of big boyness to be sure. Well moments after the above video was finished, he pooped in the bath.
A big boy poop, in the big boy bath.
If it had been in the baby bath, it would have been contained, but no, in the tub. Now notice all the toys and bubbles.
26 stick up letters, 2 rubber duckies, a tennis ball, and 3 water scoops. and a washcloth. and a bath scrubbie.
A dozen little turds floating in minty fresh, alphabety goodness.
Needless to say, he got his first big boy shower right after that, which I did not film. We did however get some good shots of water fun.

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